"The Character Show"
“The Character Show” is an entertaining and motivational assembly performed by Obediah Thomas. Inspired by the principles outlined by the Josephson Institute, this interactive Los Angeles-based program inspires good behavior in K-6 school students. This engaging live show addresses Respect, Responsibility, Trustworthiness, Caring, Fairness, and Citizenship. The program provides a thought-provoking opportunity to launch a school-wide campaign to address manners and conduct. It is also ideal for a Red Ribbon Week presentation.
There are many interactive moments during the show when Obediah brings volunteers to the stage to help demonstrate good personal character. And as an ongoing thread during the show, Obediah has phone conversations with his (fictitious) mom. His mom reminds him to be responsible, respectful, and so forth. The kids in the audience absolutely love that!
Topics Addressed:
Ms. Erika, 1st grade teacher
Lord Baden-Powell Elem., Anaheim
"FANTASTIC! I have sat through many an assembly on this topic and this one was thorough, relatable, well paced and kids and staff very much enjoyed it!"
Angela Duke, 5th grade teacher
Eliot Elem., Gilroy
"Your assemblies are so fun and engaging they even get my "too cool" 5th graders singing, dancing, and clapping along!!"